
Sunday, 15 January 2012

The new look for Moetook Musings is already here

Here is the debut of the new look for Moetook Musings. The blog has been here for at least a week which is why I thought now would be a good time to freshen it up.

Truth be told, this was always my plan but being as impatient and impulsive as I am I wanted to get started on the blog before everything was ready. With having very little skill for doing pretty much anything I am lucky to find people who are willing to help me out.

I am very happy with how the logo and background have turned out so I want to send a big thank you out to Heath from www.kutsnake.com.au (also known as -TRaP-JaW- on he-man.org) who is the one responsible for helping me out in a big way.

Heath, if you are reading this, when this blog is big and famous and I am getting early review samples from Mattel I will be sure to send them your way. Which means I guess you better not start holding your breath because I will never be getting review samples from Mattel :)

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