Is this the place to find the best pictures and reviews for Masters of the Universe Classics?
Ahhh, no.
Is this the place to find the first look of the new, upcoming MOTUC figures?
Ahhh, no.
Is this the place to find all the up-to-date news and rumours for MOTUC?
Ahhh, no.
So what is the point of this place?
To be honest, if you are looking for top notch reviews, pictures and news then there a plenty of other places around the Interwebs that do an almost perfect job of supplying all your needs. Just to name some of my favourites;
I have set this up as an outlet for myself to share my personal opinions and pictures on what has become my favourite toy line. I want to share my excitement with anyone who takes their time to visit my little corner of the MOTUC collecting world. I am not as articulated, well written or as skilled as those in the above links but I hope to be able to bring my brand of humour and entertainment to this site.
I have never done anything like this before so it will be very basic and trial and error all the way. Don't expect to see anything ground breaking but I do feel I will have content presented in a way that you will not see anywhere else. I am also willing to take on some contributors so if anyone has something they would like to contribute then please contact me. This doesn't have to be just about me.
I will be doing reviews and sharing my opinions on the figures in their original release schedule which means the first two off the block will be He-Man and Beastman (I did not get the SDCC Exclusive King Grayskull which I will explain in a future review). I hope you can join me as I revisit the beginnings of a toy line that has redefined the action figure collectible.
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